27 thoughts on “11 TUE OCT 09”

  1. Cannot draw conclusions but you can start judging.
    Name things to recall a visual memory.
    Naming helps the mind recognize next time it’s seen and brings it to existence.
    The median carries the message and has the power to prohibit activity.
    causal claim-cause and effect claim

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sep. 9 Notes
    -For visualize assignment, the reader can’t see the picture, so give enough details so the reader can visualize and also understand what is happening. Fully analyze what is going on in that frame, with great detail.
    -Naming helps us visualize the scene. Our prospective changes when we look at something a different way or with a name for it never given before.
    -Steve Gass invented a new saw stop system using electric current to immediately stop the saw when touches skin. He struggled to sell to big manufactures. Once he started selling on his own, the manufacturers then had to get their own safety system.
    -Assignment – Choose five sources. Quote the constituent and identify the claims made. Also evaluate the claim.


  3. -Opened up class by discussing the visual rhetoric assignment and we were given examples (see “Revision Advice for Visual Rhetoric”)
    -Saw Stop links located on the bottom of the page, just above the stone money
    -Find a single claim from 5 different perspectives, no need to read and analyze the entire piece


  4. We went over some more visual rhetoric to have a better understanding on what exactly it is. We watched one on child hunger and one on animal abuse. Invention by Naming is to not just describe our experience, but to create our experience. Invention by Perspective changes wherever you stand, you have different perspective on things when you stand somewhere else and see the object at a different angle.


  5. Talked about the visual analysis assignment, and how more detail should be added to better review the ad. Also viewed more advertisements and picked them apart second by second to better understand what is going on, and although we weren’t going to a definite conclusion we still were taking our first judgement of what was happening. Talked about how naming things in relation to the thing that the object in question resembles in either form, appearance, or any other descriptive element that may be able to be related. Such as if one were to name something “mint” colored, it would help to imagine what a “mint popsicle” would look like, thus helping one realize what something actually is based on a description relating it to something else. Even with describing phenomenon, such as the rain dripping from leaves, since it doesn’t have a name, Professor called it “leaf drip” and that is what it is known as to him and anyone he calls it as it was given a descriptive title. Went over the claims assignment and what is needed for it to be a good addition to our work list.


  6. – Make sure to use as much detail as possible when describing visual rhetoric, the more the better

    – Use the link on the date of October 9, 2018 for Revision advice for visual rhetoric

    – Use the links on the left side of the blog post to use for the assignment of the safer saws task


  7. – There is never too many details. Everything matters, even if it seems irrelevant.
    – Describe entire seen and look at underlying meanings within the video.
    -“Blue Marble” shot represents the first photograph in which Earth is in full view.
    – Where we stand is how we changes our perspectives. We can see a constellation only from certain areas on earth. From a different view, the stars would just look random.
    – The “No Fishing” sign is a proposal argument. It is supposed to persuades readers to follow an authority.
    – One item can have a lot of perspectives. For the saw, there is the consumer, the inventor, the manufacturer, the resistant market, the plaintiff, and the regulator.
    – Once sentence can contain several claims that can turn into an argument.
    – Claims: Causal- stating a controversy
    – StopSaw prevents injuries.


  8. – Viewed more visual rhetorics
    – Our perspective changes on where we stand
    – Choose 5 sources and find claims made and analyze them.
    – Links for assignment on left side, under Saw Stop tab


  9. Visual Rhetoric
    – Use lots of details
    – Allowed to go back and add to assignment
    Safer Saw Claims
    – Pick 5 claims(The Constituent Pool)
    – Quote the constituent
    – Paraphrase if necessary or just repeat the quote
    – Identify/evaluate the claim
    – Can refute claim
    – Due Monday, Oct. 15th @ 11:59pm


  10. -Started with visual analysis assignment, more detail should be added to better review the ad.
    – Use the link on October 9 for revision advice for visual rhetoric.
    – went over some examples and picked them apart together.
    – There is never too many details
    – One sentence can contain several claims that can turn into an argument.
    – Choose 5 sources and find claims made and analyze them.
    – The famous “Blue Marble” shot represents the first photograph in which Earth is in full view.
    – Where we stand changes our perspective about everything.
    – The assignment is not to source material.
    – Due Monday, October 15th
    – Name things to recall a visual memory
    – Steve Gass invented a new saw stop system using electric current to immediately stop the saw when it touches skin.
    – Example of naming would be if we were to name something that was “mint” colored, it would help us imagine what a “mint popsicle” would look like.
    – Saw stop links are right above the stone money links.


  11. 1. To analyze visuals, it is needed to describe scenes in detail so that readers are aware of the explanations behind a writer’s conclusion. When writers are capable of describing a scene in detail, they transport their audience to the scene and allow them to experience it themselves.
    2. When analyzing an image, our instinct lead us to judge the scene and its purposes.
    3. Perspectives shape thoughts and beliefs. Just as Orion is seen differently from various places in the universe, perspectives vary from person to person.
    4. Naming objects and phenomena helps people experience the uniqueness of a scene themselves. When phenomena are not categorized under specific names, humans have the power to create original and innovative names for them.


  12. Naming is one step to invention. You invent something new by giving it a name, if and only if you were the first to come up with that idea.


  13. -How much detail is enough? There’s never enough detail
    -Once the universe gets a little smaller (you see more of the video), less detail is required
    -There’s no such thing as a filter bubble, it only exists conceptually.
    -Rain could be different from one another, but we don’t name them so we have trouble recalling and distinguishing details about them.
    -Leaf drip rain. When after it rains, the water that collected on a tree drips off as if it’s raining underneath the tree.
    -Naming something that doesn’t have a name makes that thing incredibly memorable
    -Professor, I think you’re understating how far apart stuff actually is in space
    -Pulling fish-hooks out of a dog’s face is not a fun experience. Don’t fish on bridges
    -Steve Gass created limb-saving technology, but no one wants it. Because no one wanted to buy the technology, he decided to begin making the table saws, but now he sees it from the manufacturer’s perspective. So if everything is pushing for this technology to take-off, why are manufacturers so resistant?


  14. •Visual analysis helps us to understand the logical chain and by focusing on details in the picture it will prepare the viewers and lead them in your direction
    •Naming objects is the best way to make an experience more memorable.


  15. 10/9/18
    *No amount of detail is too much detail*
    *Be sure to decribe environment & how it influences those around*
    -New perspectives are made when you give yourself the opportunity to view things from different view points.
    -Corrections can be made with with changing perspective. For example, when seeing the first picture of earth, society knew for sure it was not flat.
    *To be completed before class on Tuesday 10/16*
    -Choose 5 out of 12 constituents of the argument provided and identity the claims that are being made in each, including the type of claim.
    -Evaluate the accuracy of the claim and refute the claim if necessary


  16. • For Visual Rhetoric assignment, there will never be enough detail. This assignment will be placed in our portfolio with that being said there are endless opportunities to revise.
    • Invention by naming is not just to describe our experience but it is to re- create our experience.
    • Rain can have many names, there are many different specific types of rain that you can name
    • Safe Saw Assignment due Monday October 15th @ 11:59pm. 1 hour assignment. Find a claim in just one sentence. Use 5 different perspectives. Identify several different constituents.


  17. -never wait to judge, make judgments immediately
    -leave out no details. Every bit is purposeful and must be noted.
    -there is never enough details.
    -analyze the scene as you view it. Make judgments.
    -the first second requires a large amount of attention to understand the setting. Then, as the universe shrinks, less details need to be added.
    -naming something makes it more memorable and recognizable.
    -perspective can change an argument entirely. Orion isn’t Orion from anywhere other than the Earth.
    -all text is an argument. Even a sign on a bridge prohibiting fishing is an argument that whoever posted it has the authority to tell whoever attempting to fish to not do so.
    -pick 5 constituents and analyze the claims in an assignment due next Tuesday.
    -The different sources are listed below in the “Saw Stop” section.
    -You have the choice to refute a claim as well.


  18. 10-9-18
    Visual Rhetoric Revising
    – Observe every detail!
    – “Explain what the scene looks like and what emotional or intellectual choices are being communicated”
    – Pay attention to the foreground, background, people, expressions
    Invention by naming
    – If you take a closer look at the things around you and classify them in a much more specific sense, they will become more memorable and you will be able to remember these types that you’ve created
    – For example, rain can have many names, there are many specifics you can add to rains between drizzles and downpours
    Invention by perspective
    – Our perspective changes based on our position in any given place
    – What looks like Orion’s belt to us would look like three unrelated stars millions of miles apart from each other from another angle in space
    Evaluating Sources Task DUE Mon. 11:59 pm October 15
    – Identify/analyze a claim from each of 5 constituents
    – Look above Stone Money under Saw Stop for sources
    – Quote constituent, paraphrase the claim, identify type of claim, evaluate the accuracy/logic behind the claim, choose to refute claim if you’d like
    – Example under Safer Saw claims in today’s agenda


  19. There is never enough detail when it comes to the visual rhetoric assignment. The way we name things creates meaning. Safer Saw task is due Monday night at 11:59pm. Choose 5 claims from the sources provided and analyze them. Spend about a hour on this assignment. The saw did not injure the mans finger in the video.


  20. -Make sure to use as much detail as possible when describing visual rhetoric.
    -Revision advice for visual rhetoric, refer to the link on the date of October 9, 2018.
    -we have to Choose 5 sources and find claims made and analyze them and also it due by Monday, Oct. 15th @ 11:59pm.
    -Describe the entire seen and also justify the underlying meanings within the video.
    -there can be several claims in an sentence, which can start an argument.
    -One topic or piece can have a lot of perspectives.
    -the naming is the first step towards invention.
    -choose 5 topics on saw stop, which is provided on the side bars.


  21. We went over more examples for our visual rhetoric assignment.
    Perspective on things can change no matter where you are. Earth can look very different to someone who’s been on the planet their whole lives and an astronaut on the ISS.
    The constellation Orion looks very different from to us than it does in space.
    Someone’s sees an issue and devotes effort to redeem it.
    Based on outside perspectives the first person adjusts his idea and changes his perspective
    People either agree with the perspective or they disagree with the perspective.
    When you evaluate a source you can find out what the message is trying to be and to whom the argument is being presented to.
    One sentence could possibly have up to four claims in it.
    When examining claims do not examine them in our own work, concentrate on one per constituent.


  22. *As a class, we went back and discussed visual rhetoric and how were are supposed to approach this assignment.
    *The way we perceive things depends on where we stand, not everyone will see the same thing.
    * Find 5 claims in an hour and evaluate them properly.
    * The links for the claim assignments are on the left side.


  23. The visual rhetoric assignment should go into extreme detail. Especially during the first second while the world view is still broad. Not only should the scene be described accurately, conclusions should be drawn and inferences should be made.
    Language is an active choice used by people to distinguish different experiences. It’s powerful enough to help create memories, and helps draw attention to things. Taking note of simple phenomenon and classifying ideas helps develop ideas.
    All text is an argument. Whether its a sign or a paper, there is always a claim made.
    Saw stop claims should be made by taking one central claim from five different sources. The claims should then be identified and evaluated.


  24. -You have until the portfolio Is complete to make the visual rhetoric the best it can be. There will plenty of time to revise it
    -There is never enough detail you can write
    -Describe what the scene looks like and what kind choices are being communicated
    -Language doesn’t just describe the world shapes it
    -There’s a category when you combine things like a statistic and social phenomenon and draw connection between them.
    -A filter bubble is a concept that something exists because someone made up a term
    -When you discover a new phenomenon, it is an invention
    -Taking note of a simple phenomenon and putting a name to it to define it as a term will be more memorable and be of more value to conversation
    -Safe saw assignment is due next week October 15th. Describe a claim in a sentence from 5 different perspectives


  25. 10/9/18
    The way we names things create meaning for us. Words create concepts, and things are made when they are claimed and named.
    Filter bubble – Search engine recognizes what you commonly search. Information becomes more narrow. No such thing as a filter bubble, but it can be discussed because it is well described.
    One can add something of real value to conversation and the world by classifying/naming something that hasn’t been named yet.
    Position changes perspective. Orion’s belt looks like how it does from earth (connected), but from a different spot/angle it doesn’t look the same. They wouldn’t be put together.
    “No Fishing on Bridge” sign is an argument. It is arguing what to do and how it has the authority to enforce it.
    Assignment – Find one claim each from five sources. Identify the claim and describe/evaluate it. Find sources under Saw Stop category on sidebar.


  26. – Moving images can convey a lot to an audience and draw their attention. With each second passing by, the audience becomes drawn in more and more
    – Names can imply descriptions. There are some stuff that people don’t know how to identify them as. For example, when it rains it usually means that raindrops are falling from the sky. But what if outside it is not raining but you have water dripping from the tree leaves above your head?
    – We went through a couple of different videos from Ad Council and examined the details of each 1 second incremental.
    – When the picture of the Earth was taken on December 7, 1972 and released to the world, it was a new feeling for everyone. Until this day, no one really fathomed what earth would look like.
    – We discussed about the Orion constellation from Earth’s perspective versus a perspective anywhere else. The constellation won’t appear to be the same because we don’t account for all dimensions. Each star is at least millions of miles apart from each other.
    – All Text is Argument


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